Your Color Is Green Lego Ninjago Funny Moment


  • Garmadon's mispronunciation of his son's name.
    • Then "Bad Blood" starts playing.
  • As a newlywed couple is running from Garmadon's forces:

    Groom: I'm stuck!
    Bride: I know you want me to save myself, so...I'll go now! I PROMISE I'LL NEVER FORGET YOUUUUUU...
    Groom: I didn't ask you to promise that! Come back!

  • Lloyd has Garmadon saved in his phone as "Evil Dad - DO NOT ANSWER" but answers it anyway. Said call from Garmadon was also completely accidental, as he muses that he must've "butt-dialed".
    • And Lloyd's reaction to this is more in line with having an annoying relative calling you out of the blue way too early in the morning rather than having your Archnemesis Dad calling you.
  • Kai's Humongous Mecha has a mech-sized recliner.
  • Jay tries to cheer up a despondent Lloyd. Emphasis on "tries".

    Nya: It's okay, Lloyd. Nobody's parents are perfect.
    Jay: I mean, my mom is weird, and collects seashells. Your dad levels cities...and...attacks innocent people. So...they've all got their quirks, y'know?

  • "Bad Blood" kicks in as Lloyd's hair attempts to dramatically blow in the wind. But since it's a Lego piece, all it does is sort of shake.
  • The fact that every time we see Zane in the first trailer, he always seems to have an unnecessarily happy ':D' face.
  • Koko reflects on how she and Garmadon got married:

    "I got swept up! He had so many plans; he was so ambitious! He said he wanted to conquer the world!...I thought it was a figure of speech."

    • As if the Obviously Evil guy could possibly mean anything else when he said that.
  • When Lloyd takes the bus to school, everyone is giving him the cold shoulder. They don't even want to sit with him, going to the other side of the bus making it too heavy and thus slowing it down.
  • The most dangerous creature in Ninjago is a giant (to them, anyway) cat named Meowthra. When he first appears, everyone starts fawning over his cuteness...then he effortlessly knocks a building down, at which point the panic starts. Made even funnier because it destroys the city while chasing a laser pointer.
  • Lloyd getting his arm ripped off doesn't sound funny on the surface, but Garmadon's reaction to it...well:

    Lloyd: On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is it?
    Garmadon: I'd say it's about a 7...point...arm ripped off?

    • A TV spot follows this up with Garmadon saying "I need to text your mother about this." Followed by him pulling out a cellphone to do so.
  • Sensei Wu tries to teach the ninjas how to hide. Cue them awkwardly standing behind bamboo stalks, complete with Cole giving a "Ca-Caw!" for good measure.

    Sensei Wu: (rolling his eyes) Unbelievable.

    • It's even better if you remember Jackie Chan's role as Monkey who also sported a weak "Ca-Caw!" at one point.
  • The San Diego Comic Con greeting, where Lloyd meets up with Garmadon to discuss going to San Diego to spend some family time together. Garmadon immediately wants to ravage and conquer it.

    Lloyd: Don't worry, he is not going to destroy San Diego.
    Garmadon: Yet.
    Lloyd: ...Today.
    Garmadon: But someday!

  • American Ninja Warrior aired a TV spot in which Jay tries to complete the Rolling Log Obstacle. Emphasis on "tries", again, as Zane bluntly comments afterwards.


  • When Garmadon buttdials Lloyd. While sad in context, the conversation is hilarious:

    Lloyd: Hello?
    Garmadon: (audibly chewing) Hello?
    (Lloyd looks at the screen in shock)
    Garmadon: What do you want?
    Lloyd: called me.
    Garmadon: Hang on a second. Mmm. I must have butt-dialed you. Who is this?
    Lloyd: It's Lloyd.
    (Garmadon looks at Lloyd with doubt)
    Lloyd: Lloyd Garmadon, your son.
    Garmadon: No. My son is totally bald and has no teeth.
    Lloyd: Yeah, well, surprise. I'm not a baby anymore.

  • When the kids at the bus stop are texting one another about how much they hate Lloyd, one of them ends the conversation with "New phone, who dis?"
  • The audience's introduction to Zane and how he tries to act like a normal teenager. Emphasis on tries.

    Zane: (in a robotic voice) Hello, fellow teenager.
    Lloyd: Zane, hey!
    Zane: Man, my Mom is on my case all the time. She's all, (makes dialup internet noises), and I'm like, "Lay off, Mom! I'm just a teenager."
    Lloyd: I hear that.

  • Kai giving Lloyd a bone-crushing birthday hug? A rather sweet and heartwarming moment. Zane deciding he wants to join in and making it a literal bone-crushing birthday hug? Hilarious.
  • Jay's attempts at flirting with Nya.
  • When the Ninjas ask for a bathroom pass.

    Ninjas: Can I have a bathroom pass?
    Mrs. Laudita: I think you mean 'may I'. "May I have a bathroom pass?". (beat) You know what, do whatever you want.

  • When using their lockers to get to the warehouse, Jay hits his chin on the way down.
  • During a confrontation with Garmadon, Lloyd asks why he keeps coming back to Ninjago to conquer it, hoping that it's for him. The first two answers are about a jacket and a sushi place, and when Lloyd finally gets the answer he's been waiting for? Garmadon ridicules Lloyd as a baby which causes Lloyd to get angry and use his dragon's 'megamissile mode' on Garmadon.

    Lloyd: What happened to your child?
    Garmadon: He was bald, had no teeth, couldn't chew. Always crying. Couldn't walk, couldn't even walk. I mean, I was like "What are we gonna do with this kid?!" So I'm like "I don't want a hairless crying son for the rest of my life!" And that was when I made the decision to go away and live my life!

  • Lloyd's disappointment at his element being "green".

    Lloyd: Can't I be the element of surpriiiise?
    Wu: No, that's the Fuchsia Ninja's element.
    Fuchsia Ninja: (appearing out of nowhere) Surpriiiiise!

  • While lecturing the heroes on the art of ninja, Master Wu claims that he Wrote the Book- and shows off an actual book, titled Ninjanuity; "Copyright Master Wu!"
    • Much later on, Garmadon claims to have written his own book, titled, Ninjelligence.

    Jay: Why are there so many one-star reviews?
    Garmadon: I think that's trolls, personally.

    • The cover of Garmadon's book claims it's a #1 best seller despite being panned by critics.
  • The song that a high school bully made up to mock Lloyd somehow becomes a hit that is played on the radio, and later gets remixed.
  • The Wilhelm Stock Scream getting used six times in a row, and then once more when a general who had just one day until retirement gets blown up.
  • The general's incessant nervous drink slurping as Garmadon lists all the things his minions have not done.
  • Wu casually name dropping the Ultimate Weapon, and then all the crazy badass imagery that follows when Lloyd focuses the discussion on the Ultimate Weapon.
    • The imagery is shown doubled and mirrored when Wu speaks of the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon.
  • When Garmadon sees that the Green Ninja has the Ultimate Weapon, he mumbles that it's "not fair" and has his mech kick across the ground like a kid who was told he couldn't have a toy.
  • Garmadon using seven butterflies as weapons in his fight with Wu.
    • Even better, while Master Wu effortlessly deflects the butterflies used as shuriken, the sight of one casually fluttering by makes him so surprised that he falls off the bridge!
  • When Kai asks Garmadon why he has four arms, Garmadon explains that he got bit by a snake note a nod to one of the TV show's villains, the Great Devourer. Another ninja points out that snakes don't have arms, so Jay asks if Garmadon means a spider. Garmadon clarifies that a spider bit a snake, then that snake bit him.

    Lloyd: Are you guys actually buying any of this?
    Garmadon: How else would you explain it, L-loyd? You weren't there!

  • In an old picture, Sensei Wu has a small goatee as an infant!

    "He looks like a really old baby..."

  • The Long List of Zane's bootleg martial arts movies when our heroes suddenly need actual martial arts lessons.
  • When Garmadon tries using the "Ultimate Ultimate Weapons" against Meowthra, but they all bounce off harmlessly.
  • Whenever Garmadon pronounces Lloyd's name as "L-loyd".
  • Per the series' tendency to use ridiculously simplistic and childish sound effects, all of the sharks make "nom nom nom" sounds.
  • A goat ends up ruining a moment. Garmadon talks about how he's going to use a lot of four letter words if he sees that goat again. "And they aren't going to be Goat."
    • The exchange between this was gold.

      Garmadon: (Eyes pop out of his skull) GOAT!!!
      Goat: (Eyes bulge out) WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

  • Master Wu tells Lloyd he won't always be around to look out for him. Lloyd asks why in distress, and Wu earnestly replies: "Because I'm really, really old."
  • The part when Garmadon puts Lloyd's arm back on. First, he says he'll count to twelve, which Lloyd immediately shoots down. Garmadon also does little to assuage Lloyd's fears about how painful it'll be, and when he finally puts the arm back on, it's a hilarious Anti-Climax where it just easily pops back in and Lloyd says it's not so bad.
  • This bit when Koko checks to see if Lloyd isn't hurt after he reconciles with Garmadon:

    Koko: Let me see your fingers and toes. (checks Lloyd's hands and feet) OK, you still don't have fingers and toes. That's good!

  • This song that plays during the credits teaches the audience how to do the Dance of Doom, several steps of which would horribly disfigure (if not outright kill) a normal person if successfully replicated!
    • Special mention goes to one of the steps involving taking a lunch break, which briefly interrupts the song with cafeteria ambience and elevator music.


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